Are you feeling stuck in your entrepreneurial journey, wondering how to break through to the next level? Do you find yourself dreaming of financial freedom but feeling trapped in a cycle of scarcity?

Your Journey to Business Mastery

Embark on a transformative journey with Threshold. This isn't just a course; it's a life-altering experience, meticulously designed to elevate your business to dizzying heights.

Over six weeks, you'll discover:

Empowering Branding Techniques: Craft a brand that resonates deeply with your core values and electrifies your audience.

Messaging from the Heart: Learn to communicate authentically, creating a genuine connection that translates into profitability.

Social Media Wizardry: Unlock the secrets of engaging and impactful social media presence.

Product Suite Innovation: Develop a range of offerings that deliver value without draining your energy.

Magnetic Launch Strategies: Discover how to launch products that not only sell but also invigorate and excite you and your audience.

Manifesting Business Success: Align your business with your innermost desires for a fulfilling and profitable journey.

Strategies for Scalable Growth: Learn to grow your business beyond your wildest dreams, maintaining balance and joy.

Exclusive Live Q&A: Get personalised guidance in an engaging Q&A session, a rare opportunity to supercharge your progress.

Are you ready to transition from side hustle to a lucrative, full-time business?

Transform Your Relationship with Money

Opulence is your gateway to a new financial reality. In just four weeks, you'll experience a profound shift in your relationship with money, moving from scarcity to abundance.

This course will guide you through:

Transformative Money Mindset: Shift from a limited perspective to a mindset abundant with opportunities and prosperity.

Rewriting Your Financial Narrative: Address and reshape the financial beliefs instilled in your childhood, paving the way for security and abundance.

Embracing Financial Sufficiency: Break the cycle of 'never enough' and welcome a life of plentiful abundance.

Effective Money Manifestation: Learn the art of manifesting wealth, turning your financial aspirations into tangible achievements.

Instead of feeling like you are constantly battling a sense of defeat, never getting ahead and feeling like your haemorrhaging money on the regular… this is signs of MONEY TRAUMA. The 4 concepts we will be BLOWING UP your money reality...

This 4 week program will assist you to shift in the 4 key pillar to truly master your money mindset Mastering your money mindset will see you free yourself from life and start living in a reality that is fucking dreamy & have you questioning “is this actually real life? "

Are you ready to transition from financial struggle to a life of opulence?

Business gets to be pleasurable & fucking abundant

In this 8 pillar course you will gain the tools, structure, strategy & energetic upgrades for you to FINALLY go full time in business, that there is a set date in sight to hand in your notice & start scaling your business

$10k a month is the baseline.

It was bought to my attention that 85% of you babes are in business creating immense impact and totally leaning into your souls purpose - fucking celebrating you!

I also know that 55% of you babes in business are side hustling your way to the financial, time and creative freedom. But what KILLS me is that 82% of you are making less than $3000 a month in your business!

THIS BLOWS MY FUCKING MIND... and totally not in a good way.

Honey - you have to understand that your gifts are fucking sacred and I know that you're probably struggling to give more to your business because of your 9-5 corporate gig that is draining the life out of you.

You can see and taste what you want but feel so fucking stuck in making it a reality.

Now, I am not one to "sell to your pain points" but fuck me, when I see this, it physically pains me.

You can go from side hustle to premium sold out business and I am here to catapult you into that reality.

This saw the birth of THRESHOLD.

My spirit team have been screaming at me to start creating this magic to allow you to FINALLY glow up in your souls work AND with ease, love & grace - receive your souls wealth.

6 weeks for you to gain momentum, build the business of your dreams so you can finally go all in and know in your heart of hearts, your business IS supporting you!