Shall we get turned on and create f*ck off results?!

A FREE 2 day live event for you to deepen your pleasure to access the frequency of effortless creation.

No more HUSTLING and only coding the world with your magic

Money Miracles Vortex

💥 Master the art of your sacred feminine frequency to create STRATOSPHERIC results💥

There's more money waiting for you... it's time to let it in!

Learn how to open the door and attract more money than ever before!

The EOFY season is a silly excuse to let your money stress you out and feel like you're haemorrhaging a constant flow of money out of your wallet.

This challenge is designed for you to have more money in your bank account than any End Of Financial Year EVER (especially if you're in Australia) as you move into an abundant AF financial year for 2024!

Money WANTS to come into your life and bless the fuck out of you… your money lights are on and you're ready for business but the energetic sign on the door says ‘CLOSED’.

A bit counterintuitive don’t you think?

"Omg!!!!! My loves I have to share this with you all. The shift is fucken happening 🎉🤑🔥. I dropped the tight hold around money (obvs supported by miss $$ Queen Brittney van Gestel - Money Mentor). I let go of the pressure to hold on and the pressure to receive, especially around this time. After watching Day 1, I reassessed what I actually wanted to call in & dropped into the energy of what it felt like to receive a bonus, and… and…this morning I received an email from my boss saying I am getting an Xmas bonus of $4500 🎉🎉🎉. Oh I’m celebrating big time. #moneymiraclesbaby 🤑🔥🤑🔥"

- Dineshri Reddy

If you’re ready to open that door and have an ABUNDANCE of money lining up around the corner then baby... this 11 day challenge is going to PERMANENTLY alter your money biz, where the lights are ON and you have a constant flow of money coming through those doors!

In this 11 day challenge you will receive daily videos with motivation memo's, manifestation tools and aligned action steps so you can manifest the most magical money miracles (literally instantly) and watch how quickly money enters your life!

"Oh my Money Miracles stars!!!! TWO blessings recieved in less than 24 hours! Last night I went out for dinner, there was a skill master box with super Mario toys.. the deal with my son was if he ate his dinner I would WIN him a toy.. so like a good boy he ate.. I put my money in the machine, tapped on the glass and said, "I want that Yoshi".. in two scoops I WON and I never win those things 😝😝😝 And thennnnnn, I woke up this morning with just under 4k dropping into my account 💸🪄✨️ this beautiful vortex we are in is blessing us all 🚀🚀 I'm manifesting some pretty big goals for the next few weeks.. so ✨️🪄💸💃"

- Vũ Lê

  • This is for you if you are struggling to break through into your next money reality - Whether that’s your first $10k month, your first $10K PIF or receive that promotion!

  • This is for you if you’re ready to let money feel effortless and no longer linked to stress. No more wondering when the next customer is going to walk through those doors whilst you twiddle your thumbs waiting on their arrival.

  • This is for you if you want to be a manifesting BOSS that can literally welcome money, luck, opportunities EVERY DAY. And I mean that.

  • This is for you if you’re ready to get ahead of your bank account. No more over drafts and constantly dwindling savings account. Move money into your savings account and no longer have to move it back into your everyday access.

  • This is for you if you're ready to upgrade your PROFITS, no longer feel like you're still a slave to pay check to pay check & let money flow back INTO your life.

"You can’t make this shit up. The most money that has ever been deposited into my bank account, is TODAY.

Thank you!! MORE PLEASE!!" 🔥

- Lana Fredkin

The MONEY MIRACLES VORTEX is going to completely alter your money reality, upload new manifestation codes & blueprints all whilst preparing you for the most ABUNDANT EOFY and resetting your bench mark for money milestones!

More money? It's yours.

Okay.. but who the fckkkkkkkkk are you?

I'm Brittney, bitch 💅🏼

I am on a mission to put expand people's wealth reality all around the globe!

Over the last 6 months I have been deep in channel with Spirit & my team who have been assisting me in downloading new manifestation intelligence which has seen my clients completely unlock out of this world quantum growth & results.

I'm talking within 24 hours...

Whilst receiving these new codes and upgrades to my vault of knowledge, I have personally seen how it has deeply impacted my own business and bank accounts.

In the last 3 months, my business has bought in $111,000 CASH and now it's time to share my secrets to get your money vortex fired up and activated!


I can hear you know saying


The how is in these soul & wealth codes, manifestation tools and energetic activations in this 11 day challenge!

It's time to bridge the gap between the wealth you see and receive in your visions to actually bring them earth side NOW!

It's one thing to want money, it's another to have it.

I have helped 1000's of women all around the globe to make impact with their money, explode their businesses, heal their relationship with money and now it's your turn.

Wealth is an inside job FIRST and then it can manifest in your physical world.

So are you ready to let it happen all NOW?!

"Omg peeps, I can’t even right now lol. I am celebrating big time. This is huge for me. Yesterday I decided I would sell 2 paintings of the pic below. I’ve never done this before.

I shared it on Insta & mentioned only 2 are avail for jan only.

Last night, I caught up on the content, I watched day 3 & 4. This morning I woke up to a msg saying, ‘I’ll take the bigger one thanks.‘

I sold my painting!!!! That’s $300 banked!!

The energy of this is vortex is incredible, I cannot stop laughing at how amazing this is


Each time I’ve watched a video money has come in! Bonus, credit, free things & now I sold my paining. I’m so excited for what else is to come.

I’m open to receive baby & officially stepping into the year as an artist 🎨💃🏾🎨"

"Wellll hellooooo money miraclesssss that are flowing into my life 🥰🥰

My mom gave me an unexpected $700 for a course I wanted to take

AND my bestie just sent me $300 for Christmas and we never do big gifts!!

So so insanely grateful and letting the opulence and abundance fill into every cell in my body

Thank you more please ❤️❤️🥰🥰"

"Okiiieeee.... I just received a call to settle my property 3 weeks early that I sold in melbourne... FUCK YESSSSSSS"

"So I’ve woken today to receive a message that I may have been paid incorrectly 😜 & I need to process more invoices to receive payment that’s owing to me… YASSSS loving this money magnet 👏🏽💵🚀💫💞"

What if I don't have time to do the challenge?

I have designed the challenge to be the most efficient and optimised for the time poor. There is literally no excuse for you NOT to listen to a 3-5 minute video! 

What if I don't receive any money miracles?

#1 you're focusing on the wrong thing and #2 you absolutely will. There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to experience an out of this world "synchronicity" and smaller ones too. Do not write off the small wins because you're only going to block yourself from the big juicy miracles!

How long do I have to do the challenge?

Ideally you follow along with us each day. If not, the group will remain open for a total of 21 days. So if you miss anything, you can ALWAYS watch it back!

What if I can't make the live trainings?

The trainings are all being dropped on a daily basis for you to come to at your own time during the day. Again, they are only 5-7 minutes. These 5-7 minute videos are going to explode your money reality, motivate your manifestations and give you TANGIBLE TOOLS to manifest INSTANT cash & generate long term sustainable revenue